IACUC Federal Regulatory Information

  1. CSU Libraries LibGuide—IACUC Alternatives Search Help
  2. USDA Animal Welfare Information Center
  3. AltWeb (Alternatives Information on the Web, John’s Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing)
  4. ALTEX: Alternatives to Animal Experimentation (Journal published by John’s Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing)
  5. Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) – John’s Hopkins University
  6. NORINA (A Norwegian Inventory of Alternatives)
  7. 3R Guide (3R Guide is a new (2014) resource being developed by Norecopa in collaboration with the Animal Welfare Information Center in Beltsville, USA.)
  8. UC Davis Center for Animal Alternatives Information
  9. Alternative Search Educational Information
    1. Why Conduct Literature Searches for Alternatives (USDA Animal Welfare Information Center)
    2. A Workshop on Searching for Alternatives for Animal Care and Use Protocols (by Kristina Adams, USDA, AWIC)
  1. Statistical Calculations: Number of Animals Needed (University of Iowa)
  2. Reducing Animal Numbers: Sequential Sampling (from the USDA Animal Welfare Information Center) AWIC Newsletter: Reducing Animal Numbers: Sequential Sampling
  3. StatPages.org (Statistical analysis information on the web)
  4. Brief Tutorial on Sample Size and Statistical Power Calculations for Animal Experiments (By Phil Chapman, CSU Department of Statistics)