Infectious Disease Research Center
We provide a safe, secure, state of art facility for university investigators, government scientists and industry representatives to collaboratively research the basic biology, biochemistry, molecular biology and epidemiology of bacteria and viruses that cause human and animal diseases. The Infectious Disease Research Center (IDRC) provides the highest quality research environment for developing new scientific discoveries, vaccines, methods of diagnosis, and therapeutic agents for infectious agents. Colorado State University is among the world’s leaders in researching West Nile Virus, drug-resistant Tuberculosis, Yellow Fever, Dengue, Hantavirus, Plague, Tularemia and other diseases.
Our purpose is to defeat global health threats. We do the difficult.
3 Pillars of the IDRC
Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Academic Resource Center (BioMarc)
The Regional Biocontainment Lab
The Research Innovation Center
Message from the Director
The Infectious Disease Research Center (IDRC) at Colorado State University is built on a foundation of faculty based research programs in infectious diseases spanning decades and includes programs related to Tuberculosis, HIV, Dengue, Zika, Ebola, Malaria, Lyme Disease and other pathogens of interest from both an animal and human disease perspective. Our mission, quite simply stated, is to defeat global health threats. We achieve this by taking on the difficult tasks associated with infectious disease research including the development of diagnostic, therapeutic and vaccine candidate materials that can be used to overcome diseases of concern on the state, national and international level. Our goal as an organization is to become the premier partner for global health research, innovation and education. We do this by leveraging state of the art facilities, world recognized faculty and students trained to become the next contributors to improving global health conditions for all people. We welcome academic collaborations, government research groups and private industry partners that can benefit from access to trained staff, high containment biological research and manufacturing facilities and cGMP production capabilities. As a public based institution of education, our focus is in finding ways to enhance educational opportunities for students, engagement of faculty and support for programs that contribute to the public health needs in veterinary and human populations. By doing so, we operate on a non-profit basis to address community health needs and provide solutions to problems that vex our communities today.
I hope that you find information on this site that is helpful and addresses a potential need in your own efforts. We welcome your inquiries and opportunities for collaboration and hope that you can join us in the mission of lifting the burden of disease.
Raymond P. Goodrich, Director