Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is mandated to review concerns, raised by anyone, regarding the care and use of animals at Colorado State University. If you suspect mistreatment of animals or noncompliance with approved protocol, University policies, or local, state or federal regulations please contact the IACUC or the Attending Veterinarian immediately. The contact can be made by telephone, fax, in person or in writing to individuals listed below or to any other university official who must convey the information to the named individual for investigation. Individuals making the report do not have to identify themselves, unless they wish to do so.

The Animal Welfare Act protects the rights of individuals reporting animal welfare concerns and prohibits discrimination against or reprisal for reporting violations of regulations or standards under the Animal Welfare Act. Colorado State University protects the rights of whistleblowers.

Report an Animal Welfare Concern Anonymously

Dr. Chris Myrick, IACUC Chair
Office: (970) 491-5657
[email protected]

Dr. Lon Kendall, Attending Veterinarian
Office: (970) 491-5903
[email protected]

Dr. Cassandra Moseley, Vice President for Research & Institutional Official
Office: (970) 491-0340
Fax: (970) 491-5541
[email protected]

CSU IACUC Administrators
[email protected]