Bioanalysis and Omics

ARC-BIO serves as an enabling resource for research and development programs at Colorado State University. We strive to build mass spectrometry instrumentation capabilities and expertise that exceed the normal resources of individual research programs, and make those technologies available as a shared resource.

Place service requests, provide required approvals, and monitor progress of projects:

ARC-BIO aims to provide an environment rich in expertise and educational resources, and to foster collaboration across the CSU community and beyond.

Life Science Stockroom

ARC-BIO offers the CSU campus community a wide variety of research products from a number of vendors through the Life Science Stockroom

Vendors and Products

Proteomics and Protein analysis

Protein identification, quantitative analysis, posttranslational modifications, structural analysis and protein digestion.

Proteomics Services

Metabolomics and small molecules

We offer both non-targeted and targeted analysis of small molecules by UPLC-MS, UPLC-MS/MS, GC-MS, and ICP-MS.

Metabolomics Services

Inorganics and Ionomics

Analysis of inorganic analytes (metals), including highly sensitive and quantitative analysis and broad relative quantitative profiling. 



Need any other analytical services? Contact us or check out our other ARC branches:

ARC-ISS: electron microscopy (TEM/SEM), surface analysis (XPS, ellipsometer, profilometer, contact angle goniometer

ARC-MMA: chromatography, mass spectrometry, materials analysis (thermal, magnetic, physical properties), NMR, spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scattering