University invests $1.5M into research facilities upgrades

Central Instrument Facility (CIF) remodel

The Office of the Vice President for Research and the Office of the Vice President for University Operations are investing $1.5 million into nine different research facilities improvements. These efforts align with the first phase of the CSU Research and Scholarship Success Initiative (RSSI).

“We are excited to invest in our research infrastructure at CSU. Our great faculty thrive using state of the art facilities and equipment for scholarly and research activities,” said Alan Rudolph, vice president for research. “Our recent call for proposals to invest also created greater awareness, sharing and collaboration amongst our faculty as we know these facilities can catalyze new and uncommon collaborations.”

The funding program identified direct infrastructural facilities improvement or renovation needs for research facilities. This included renovations, alterations, repairs, and other improvements that will stimulate future research opportunities.

“The university is committed to helping our faculty thrive in research and discovery – a core tenet that makes Colorado State University what it is,” said Lynn Johnson, vice president of university operations. “It’s important to support those initiatives with facilities that provide scientists with the tools they need to be innovative and successful, as well as safe.”

Awarded Facilities:

Plant Growth Facility: Improve the environmental conditions in CSU greenhouses by replacing greenhouse roofing and upgrading select lighting for optimized plant growth.

Colorado State University C-band polarimetric (CSU-CPOL) Radar: Deploy the C-band precipitation radar to provide real-time maps, short-term forecasts, and statistics of precipitation for both agricultural and meteorological applications.

Computer Science Building: Revamp machine rooms in the Computer Science Building to increase space, power and cooling capabilities for enhanced computer science research.

Engineering Research Center (ERC): Refurbish the pipeline carrying water used for research in the Engineering Research Center (ERC) the Advanced Beam Laboratory (ABL), and the Air, Water and Energy Research (AWER) building.

Center for Literary Publishing and Public Lands History Center: Connect the future Center for Literary Publishing (CLP) and the Public Lands History Center (PLHC) offices to the university’s computer networking system and updated VOIP phone lines.

Deer Facilities Mechanical Systems and Wastewater Systems: Renovate the Deer Facilities located at the Foothills Campus used to study prion diseases.

The Functional Foods for Health Clinical Research Facility: Restore a portion of the Gifford Building to develop the Functional Foods for Health Clinical Research Facility. The facility is used for clinical and human research related to crops, foods, nutrition and health.

Central Instrument Facility (CIF) Laboratory CORE: Increase square footage, refurbish workspace, and replace HVAC systems of the laboratory located on the first floor of the Chemistry Building.

Applied Isotope Research for Industry and the Environment (AIRIE) Program: Replace ventilation hoods located in the AIRIE laboratory used to study rhenium-osmium isotope geochemistry.


Picture of Lauren Klamm

Lauren Klamm

OVPR Director of Communication and Events