Student Course – Email of Cooperation

Provide the professor enough information about your study so that the professor can send you a short response.


From: Professor
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 3:38 PM
To: Kyle, Sandell
Subject: RE: Permission to recruit students in your XX Class

A short okay from the professor is fine.

Professor’s name


From: Kyle Sandell
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 3:12 PM
To: Professor
Subject: RE: Permission to recruit students in your XX Class

Dear Dr. XX,

I am a Master’s student in the Industrial/Organizational Psychology program, and am contacting you to request your permission for me to take 5-10 minutes of your XXXPSY class time in the next xxx to recruit participants for my thesis research study and to post the survey associated with this study on RAMCT. The purpose of my research is to xxx. The title is; ZB is the PI on this study, and I am Co-PI; responses to the survey are anonymous, the time commitment is less than 45 min. As an incentive to participate, would it be possible to offer the students 2 pts. extra credit to participate? If providing extra credit is acceptable to you, in line with the IRB’s requirement to offer an equal opportunity for extra credit, students who did not wish to participate in the research, could meet with me to learn to code data. The data gathered from the survey is anonymous, but I would provide you with a list of all students who completed either the online survey or the coding exercise. I’ve attached the consent form for this study to give you more information about the research and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,
researcher name, title & department at CSU