The Center is a facilitator and hub for all activates related to Healthy Aging at Colorado State University. Facilities include lecture rooms, offices, wet labs, exam rooms, conference space, core pre and post grant award administrative support, graduate student offices, receptionist, event space, biological specimen collection facilities and more.

Community Resources:

PAFC takes action through four priority groups: culture of aging, health and wellness, housing, and mobility and access. These priority groups communicate and collaborate across Larimer County using grassroots Self Directed Volunteer Teams (SDVT) to accomplish specific objectives. 

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The Larimer County Office on Aging is the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for Larimer County. As one of sixteen AAA’s in Colorado, the Office on Aging receives funding from the Federal Older Americans Act and the Older Coloradans Fund to provide services to Larimer County residents who are 60 and older, and to serve as the lead agency for planning and coordinating those services.  The Office on Aging provides funding to agencies that provide services for seniors in Larimer County, including congregate meals, transportation, legal assistance, caregiver support and many more. These agencies are referred to as our funded community partners. In addition, the Office on Aging staff provides direct services and programs to older adults.

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The Aging Clinic of the Rockies is a local non-profit mental health agency that offers professional counseling services to address psychological needs of older adults and their loved ones. The clinic is part of a network of mental health services in the Department of Psychology at Colorado State University.

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CoCARE is a newly formed organizations consisting of several universities in Colorado, and focused on aging-related research and education. The primary goal of CoCARE is to organize workshops, webinars and other events, focused on issues related to collaborative projects in Colorado. CoCARE is a collaborative organization, not a formal part of any University and not its own 501(C)3. The major purpose is to enhance the impact of aging research and education in Colorado.

The primary purpose is to form a network of University programs focused on aging research and education. Each University in the region can contribute with different pieces of aging needs, and have a new set of collaborators in turn. An immediate benefit will be that people get to know others focused on aging studies or education in Colorado. This will play a role for collaborative groups forming, for job searching, for lobbying, legislative issues, and collaboration. The secondary purpose is to examine which projects are ongoing in our region, to enhance and share resources and increase the research portfolio for aging in Colorado. We think that Colorado is a unique state in which to promote aging studies and education; the population is motivated, education level is high, and the government is interested in change for the better for its populations. Together, Universities will have a stronger voice, and can accomplish so much more than isolated programs at each of the Institutions involved. A sure outcome of this coalition is enhanced collaboration and increased research dollars in this area coming to Colorado

Student Resources:

The APA Committee on Aging’s newest resource, Exploring Careers in Aging is now live! It’s a step-by-step educational roadmap to help undergraduate and graduate students find a career in aging.

The Roadmaps – one for undergraduate and one for graduate students – provide guidance in thinking about potential research, practice and academic careers in aging including:

  • Specific questions to consider at each educational level from pre-undergraduate to graduate.
  • Actions to take at each educational level to be prepared and positioned to embark on a career in aging.
  • Resources (directories of programs in psychology and gerontology, academic resources, preparing for graduate school, networking, and how to prepare for a job search).
  • Career profiles and descriptions of a wide variety of aging careers, including those in psychology.
  • Interdisciplinary careers that intersect with aging including those in engineering, business, law and policy, and biological and health sciences.

Student resources were organized by Spring 2024 HES 455 students Julia Pinner, Tatum Flack, Allison Beecher, Sebastian Mahan, and Reed Jordan.

Articles, Blogs…