KR PD Roles Refresher

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Access to KR PD records is handled three ways:
• The system allows the person who creates a KR PD record to open it in view or edit mode, and allows named key personnel to open in view mode.
• The person who creates a KR PD record or another proposal aggregator can assign proposal-specific view or edit roles in the Access section of the KR PD record.
• OSP can assign additional roles at the department (“unit”) level for proposal creation, editing, and viewing.

Proposal Creator

By default, any active CSU employee can create a KR PD record for their ‘home’ unit. This information pulls from the primary appointment indicator in the CSU HR system, which feeds basic person information into Kuali Research.

For department research administrators who need to create proposals for one or more of their college’s departments, or for researchers who have dual/multiple appointments, the role of Proposal Creator has to be requested for non-‘home’ units, so that the Lead Unit field for a KR PD record shows more than one option during the record creation process.

Unit Aggregator

By default, only the person who creates a KR PD record can open it in edit mode. 

For departments that have multiple people creating proposal records, or for college-level business officers who need to be able to edit any proposal for one or more departments in the college, the role of Unit Aggregator has to be requested.

Unit Aggregator is a view/edit role only. It does not include the proposal create permission.

Unit Viewer

By default, only the named key personnel and the person who creates a KR PD record can open the proposal in view mode using a proposal link or Development Proposal search results.

For any person in a college or department that needs to be able to view all proposals for a department (or multiple departments), the role of Unit Viewer can be requested. 

Unit-level Viewer role is also assigned to anyone who is a KR PD approver at the department or college level. 

To request additional KR PD access:
KR PD role requests use the Kuali Build app.

The link to open a new request is on the OSP website Forms page, in the KR PD Roles section:

The form requires the requestor to enter a department contact for approval – this should be a supervisor, department administrator, college business officer, or Kuali Research stakeholder who understands the work that the requestor needs to do in the KR PD module. 

Once all approvals for the request are complete, OSP will add the requested roles in the Kuali Person record for the Research application.

Tip provided by Chris Carsten, eRA Systems Officer and Andy Reynolds, eRA Specialist, Office of Sponsored Programs