
The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Office of the Vice President for University Operations (OVPUO), Facilities Management (FM) have partnered to enable significant FY19 and FY20 investments in research facilities improvements, in alignment with the Phase 1 of the CSU Research and Scholarship Success Initiative (RSSI), and with a view toward future research focus, growth, and success.

This program focuses on identifying critical research facilities renovations, alterations, repairs, and other facilities improvements that will specifically catalyze broad-based future research opportunities. This includes, but is not limited to, requests for needed improvements to (1) meet anticipated research growth; (2) catalyze future research in strategic areas of focus; (3) build core or center capacity; (4) provide for facility maintenance (e.g., mechanical and electrical improvements for research labs currently hindered by the spatial environment); (5) renovate facilities to meet needs for new equipment installations; or (6) meet future regulatory requirements. Funding for this program is one-time monies for direct infrastructural facilities improvement or renovation needs only. The proposal should focus on direct research support, as oppose to administrative support for research.  Equipment purchases are not allowed under this RFP.