IACUC Policies and Guidelines

As a research and teaching institution, Colorado State University is obligated to meet federal standards regarding their animal care policies and practices. These include oversight from the US Dept. of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA).

All personnel using animals for research, testing or teaching are required to comply with applicable federal regulations. CSU IACUC considers the federally-mandated policies provide minimum requirements for ethical care and use of animal subjects, and believes that the ethical values of CSU may require a higher standard of care. Therefore, CSU IACUC has developed a number of Policies and Guidelines that communicate these enhanced expectations regarding animal care and use.

  • Policies – practices to which faculty and staff must adhere in their use of animals for research, testing and teaching at CSU.
  • Guidelines, Plans, Directions, etc. – best practices which should be adhered to in the care and use of animals.

If any member of the campus community has questions or concerns about these policies or guidelines, or animal care in general, please contact us. All concerns are kept confidential, and are protected by Whistleblower statutes.