Subaward administration is a shared responsibility at CSU, and Principal Investigators (PIs) are responsible for monitoring subrecipient activities and expenditures. Prior to approving a subrecipient invoice, the PI should ensure that the subrecipient is meeting the award performance expectations, terms, and conditions as well as ensuring expenditures are reasonable for the work performed.
If the PI has concerns or is unsatisfied with the subrecipient’s performance or deliverables, the PI should reach out to the subrecipient before approving an invoice. If there is no improvement in the subrecipient’s performance, the PI should reach out to the OSP Subaward Team to inform them of the performance issues and delay of invoice approval.
Timely processing of invoices is important for keeping CSU in compliance with federal regulations. Invoices must be processed and responded to (when subrecipients are not meeting performance objectives) or paid (when subrecipients are complying) within 30 days of receipt.
Final invoices should be marked as ‘Final’ and the billing period on the final invoice should cover the life of the award.
Approved and rejected invoices should be emailed to:
[email protected].
Review the Outgoing Subaward Responsibility Matrix for an overview of roles and responsibilities in subawards from proposal to closeout.
Blog post by Tricia Callahan, Senior Research Education and Information Officer and Kris Miller, Subaward Manager, Office of Sponsored Programs