Sponsored Research News & Information
RPPR Responsibility, Submissions, Tips & Tricks, and Consequences
Part 1: RPPR Responsibility The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and stakeholders in the colleges have developed the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix for each step of the Award
Throwback Blog: Budgeting and Accounting for GRA Tuition and Fees
Pre-Award: Budgeting for GRA Tuition In a previous blog, Budgeting for GRA Salaries, we discussed best practices and provided examples for how GRA salaries are budgeted
Overtime on Sponsored Projects
From time to time, someone must work more than their allotted 40-hour workweek to complete the objectives of a particular project. Overtime pay for non-exempt
File Naming Conventions in KR PD
OSP would like everyone’s help naming files uploaded to KR PD records. Documents loaded to a KR PD record in any of the Attachments sections
NSF 24-1 Proposal and Award Policy and Procedure Guide (PAPPG) Updates
The NSF 2024 PAPPG and its updated guidelines go into effect for all proposals with due dates on or after May 20, 2024. If you
Common Delays on the Road to Account Setup
Once your award is received, there are still several pit stops and possible speed bumps that occur before an account is successfully set up. Proactive
What are Common Forms?
Federal Sponsors, in conjunction with OSTP (the Office of Science and Technology Policy) and NSTC (National Science and Technology Council), have been working to harmonize
Indirect Costs Part II
Part II: Loch Ness Monster, Indirect Costs, and other folklore. November 8, 2023 Unlike indirect costs, there is no real proof that the Loch Ness
Indirect Costs Part I
Part I: Loch Ness Monster, Indirect Costs, and other folklore. November 1, 2023 Nessie is back! New sightings of the famed ~1500-year-old Loch Ness monster