Electron Microscopy

The Electron Microscopy Lab is a research and service facility, serving the biological and materials research communities at CSU. It is open to university, state, and outside users. It houses two scanning electron microscopes and one transmission electron microscopes to provide detailed imaging of surfaces, thin films, and nanostructures. Microstructural crystallographic analysis via electron diffraction and elemental analysis via energy dispersive spectroscopy are available.

The facility offers a wide range of services, including (1) imaging of thin films or nanoparticles at atomic resolution using the 2100F TEM and secondary electron imaging (SEI) and/or backscattered electron imaging (BSE) of surfaces at nm resolution in the SEM, (2) crystallographic analysis from thin samples using various modes of electron diffraction in the 2100F TEM and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) from bulk crystalline samples in the SEM, (3) spatially-resolved elemental analysis via energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) in the SEM and in the scanning transmission (STEM) mode in the JEOL 2100F TEM, (4) and e-beam lithography in the SEM.

Sample preparation tools include gold, chromium or carbon coating, and a saw, grinder, and a variety of mechanical polishing wheels (for further information go to https://www.research.colostate.edu/iss/sample-preparation-tools/).

Instrument use and technician services are available on a recharge fee basis. Users can be trained in order to operate the microscopes by themselves. Alternatively, they can request assistance from the staff. User training on the IT800 and 6500 SEM requires a few hours with a staff member and training on the 2100F TEM requires enrolling in a 4-week (imaging only) or 8-week (imaging and advanced analysis including EDS, electron diffraction, etc.) course with Dr. Roy Geiss.

Please use the iLab Portal to request training or services and access the instrument calendars.


JEOL JSM-IT800(HL) Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

This microscope is equipped with a Schottky field-emission electron gun for high-resolution, nanoscale observation of solid sample surfaces. The microscope has four electron imaging detectors: an Everhart-Thornley secondary electron detector (SED), and upper in-lens electron detector (UED) with an energy filter, a versatile retractable backscatter electron detector (VBED), a Deben scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) detector. For ideal samples and imaging conditions, the instrument can reach up to 0.7 nm resolution.

Additional detectors include an Oxford Ultim Max 170 mm2 energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) for elemental analysis supported by AztecLive software, an Oxford C-Nano+ electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) detector for phase and crystallographic orientation microstructural analysis supported by AztecHKL software, and a Deben Centaurus monochromatic cathodoluminescence (CL) detector to
characterize the optical properties of materials

Gentle beam mode or beam deceleration of up to 2 kV of specimen bias is possible for beam sensitive samples, enhancing surface detail, and charge reduction. For insulating samples that cannot be coated, a low vacuum system equipped with a backscatter electron detector can be used. Lithography is capable via a Deben beam blanker and NPGS e-beam lithography system.

A variety of sample holders are provided with the largest at 4 inches in diameter. Samples up to ~30 mm tall can be inserted into the microscope, but smaller samples are easier to image. Air sensitive samples can be trasferred directly from a glovebox into the microscope without exposure to air via the air isolation sample holder.

JEOL JSM-6500 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

The SEM is equipped with the In-Lens thermal field emission electro gun (TFEG). This high-resolution tool has a multi-purpose specimen chamber and a motorized, automated stage. The SEM is equipped with an Oxford Instruments energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS) and uses Oxford Aztec software for qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis. It also has a Nabity e-beam lithography patterning system (NPGS). The NPGS allows for lithographic patterns to be written with our SEM a few tens of nanometers in width. There is a solid-state BSE detector for BS electron imaging, a special holder for STEM imaging of thin films and an EDAX EBSD camera for diffraction.

JEOL JEM-2100F Transmission Electron Microscope (80 – 200 kV)

The TEM is equipped with several specimen holders, including (1) a single-tilt holder with ± 20° tilt about the x-axis (rod axis), (2) a double-tilt holder with ± 20° tilt about both the x- and y-axes, (3) and a beryllium double-tilt holder with ± 20° tilt about both the x-axis and y-axes, specifically for low background EDS analysis. There is also a special high tilt holder that provides ± 40° about the x-axis using special samples and can be used for tomography and microED analysis.

This TEM has an UHR objective lens pole piece that provides 0.195 nm TEM image resolution and 0.135 nm STEM resolution.  TEM images and diffraction patterns are captured with a Gatan Ultrascan 2K x 2K CCD camera. For STEM imaging there are three detectors: (1) a JEOL bright-field (BF) STEM detector, (2) a JEOL annular dark field (ADF) detector, and (3) a Gatan ADF detector. There is an Oxford Instruments SSD EDS detector with Aztec software for elemental analysis.

*User training on the TEM requires enrolling in an 8-week, extensive course with Dr. Roy Geiss.


Please see our Rates webpage for pricing information.

A Guide to Scanning Microscope Observation from JEOL

Williams & Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Materials Science (textbook and online access available via CSU Library)

EDS in the TEM Explained from Oxford Instruments


Coming soon!

Scientific Staff:

Dr. Roy Geiss: contact for services and training on the JEOL 2100F TEM, electron diffraction and EBSD.

Dr. Rebecca Miller: contact for services and training on the JEOL JSM-IT800HL SEM and JEOL JSM-6500 SEM.