ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification) is one of several tools designed to help investigators manage their profiles through multiple platforms, career moves, name changes, and institutional affiliations. The goal is to enable investigators to enter personal data in one location and propagate or reuse the same data without having to re-enter it in multiple different systems.
ORCID is a non-profit organization that provides a free service to generate a unique digital identifier that will distinguish each researcher from another. The ORCID unique identifier automatically links investigators to their publications, affiliations, grants, and peer review, and allows information to be shared with other systems. It can help reduce errors, make sure researchers receive recognition for their work and save valuable time. The unique identifier can be particularly helpful when multiple researchers have the same name.
The services provided by ORCID are:
Why Use ORCID?
Currently, NIH, AHRQ, and CDC have requirements for researchers/trainees supported by research training, fellowship, research education, and career development awards to have and use ORCID.
NSF will require senior personnel on proposed and awarded projects to create required biographical sketches and current and pending documents using SciENcv starting in October 2023. Linking an ORCID account to SciENcv is highly recommended for adding publications to those documents and managing affiliations. Additionally, other federal agencies such as NASA and the US Departments of Agriculture, Energy, and Transportation, are either encouraging or requiring the use of ORCID for investigators due to public access initiatives for scientific publications and digital scientific data as well as increased research security as required by NSPM-33.
Register Today!
No matter what you call it ORCID, ORCID ID, or Orchid, given the current and upcoming agency requirements, and CSU guidance regarding the use of ORCID, SciENcv, and Digital Measures, you or your investigators are encouraged to register and complete the profile information. Tutorials are available on the ORCID website.
A blog on SciENcv and how to link your ORCID account coming soon.
Blog post based on previous content authored by Ron Splittgerber, Research Services; Doug Leavell, Research Analytics Office; and Tricia Callahan, the former Office of Sponsored Programs Senior Research Education & Information Officer.
Additional Resources: NCURA YouTube Tuesdays, “Interview with Shawn Sadler of ORCID”