SciENcv and ORCID: What Investigators Need to Know

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What is SciENcv?

Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae (SciENcv) is an electronic system that helps investigators assemble the professional profile needed for the application of federal funds. Investigators can use SciENcv to create and maintain their biographical sketches. 


Why should investigators use SciENcv?

SciENcv will be used by NSF and NIH in their proposal process. Currently, both sponsors are highly encouraging, though it will become a requirement for NSF submissions starting June 1, 2020.


How does my investigator sign up with SciENcv?

Click HERE to access the SciENcv website. Once there, click the big blue button that reads “Click Here to Start!”


Investigators can sign in with a login from eRA Commons, NSF or other third-party options.


While an online video tutorial is available on the SciENcv website, Kristi Winseck, University of Colorado Boulder, has put together a step-by-step guide on accessing and linking information to SciENcv. Click HERE to access the SciENcv Boulder Step by Step Guide.


Additionally, Heather Sears at the University of California San Diego shared their guide on RESADM-L List Serve providing a step-by-step walkthrough on how to generate an NSF biographical sketch. Click HERE to access the UCSD Step by Step Guide.

What is ORCID?

Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier (ORCID) provides a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes someone from other researchers and a record that supports automatic links among all their professional activities. ORCID iD is designed to be a career-long identifier.


Why should investigators use an ORCID?

ORCID iDs are required for PD/PIs on individual NIH fellowship and career development applications submitted for due dates on or after January 25, 2020. If there isn’t a linked ORCID iD, an error will be generated preventing the application from moving forward to NIH for consideration.


How does my investigator get an ORCID?

Click HERE to access ORCID. Researchers can link their ORCID iD with eRA Commons and SciENcv, along with other systems. Encourage all of your researchers, from Graduate Students to Senior Scientists, to register if they haven’t already. 


Kristi Winseck, University of Colorado Boulder, also put together a resource showing step-by-step registration and account setup with ORCID. Access the UC Boulder guide HERE.


For assistance setting up an ORCID or accessing SciENcv, help sessions will be available. Look for these to be announced.


Blog post by Liz Grinstead, Senior Research Administrator, Office of Sponsored Programs