Resources and Guidelines

Using the ARC? Please cite or acknowledge us by our Research Resource ID (RRID: SCR_021758) in publications that include any data generated in or by our facility.

An example of an appropriate acknowledgement is “The authors wish to thank the Analytical Resources Core (RRID: SC_021758) at Colorado State University for instrument access, training and assistance with sample analysis”.

Other lab/equipment specific guidelines:

Single crystal X-ray crystallography publication guidelines

Need to list our facilities and equipment in your upcoming proposal? A full overview can be found here:


Need a letter of support? Please contact the ARC Directors, and allow at least 2 weeks from the time of your request. Please furnish the following information:

  • Title of grant
  • Agency to which you are submitting the grant
  • Your title and mailing address
  • 1-3 sentences on the goals (or specific aims) of your proposal

Need ARC personnel effort and expertise beyond routine services? Please consult with the ARC Directors. To determine if percent effort by core personnel is required, please consider the following:

  • Does the proposal include a specific aim that focuses on ARC expertise?
  • Is method development is required?
  • Are there large numbers of samples to be analyzed?
  • Would the proposal be more favorably reviewed with dedicated support for ARC personnel?
  • Would the project output benefit from or proceed more rapidly with guidance from facility personnel?

Our Policies

User Fees

Our user fees are essential for the availability of the instrumentation and expertise that the ARC provides.  We aim to set our user fees at the lowest possible level to maintain our resources.  As a consequence, ARC user fees may be adjusted to reflect current funding situations.

Training and Facilities Access

Where training and self-use of ARC instruments is offered, users are expected to adhere to all safety and user guidelines, as requested by ARC and their staff.  Please contact us for specific user guidelines. ARC can revoke facility and instrument access at any time due to non-compliance.

It is the responsibility of the PI submitting or running the samples to have the appropriate protocol approval for projects involving the analysis of human, animal, or infectious materials. For full-service work, you will be required to submit information describing and safety concerns associated with the sample as part of the iLab project submission process.

External User Guidelines and Policy

We regularly perform services for external (to CSU) users, for both full and self-service.  Please see our Guidelines for External Users document for more information.


Our instruments are operated and services conducted under commonly accepted research practices.  ARC does not perform any services that may be subject to FDA Regulations (e.g. GMP, cGMP, GLP, GCP).


If you publish using data or tools generated within our Core Services, please:

  • Please cite or acknowledge us by our Research Resource ID (RRID: SCR_021758) in publications that include any data generated in or by our facility.  If appropriate, consider acknowledging the specific ARC employee(s) by name. 
  • Consider authorship for more significant intellectual and planning contributions by ARC scientific staff. Co-authorship is generally expected when ARC personnel have made significant contributions to the research in the form of consultation, experimental design, method development, data analysis and/or data interpretation.  ‘Significant’ can be defined as “the project would not have progressed, or progressed at a substantially slower pace, without the guidance of facility personnel”.  In such cases, ARC personnel should have the opportunity to review and edit the appropriate sections of a manuscript before submission.
  • We have been fortunate to have instruments funded through federal programs.  If your work uses these instruments, please acknowledge them in your publications.   
    • The Bruker UltrafleXtreme was funded by the NSF-MRI program (award 2117934).
    • The Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Eclipse was funded by the NSF MRI program (award 2117943).

Funded Grants

If you receive grants using data or tools generated by or within ARC, please:

  • Acknowledge the ARC’s contributions by our Research Resource ID (RRID: SCR_021758).
  • Notify the ARC Director of awarded grant applications to help us to track and update our records that are required to maintain our quality services.



The ARC supports a variety of different training programs, learn more about them below:

Many instruments in the ARC can be used by students and researchers in self-use mode after following in-depth training and proficiency testing by ARC staff scientists.

New ARC users need to follow our onboarding instructions by joining our ARC Users MS Team.

Training can be requested in iLab and is available to CSU students and researchers.

External users can be trained on select instruments upon approval from ARC Director and upon signing the ARC external user agreement.

Learn more here.

The ARC has been offering specialized workshops and summer schools on various topics since 2014.
These range from instrument theory and hands-on learning to advanced data processing and interpretation.

Past Workshops

Upcoming Workshops:

  • Metaproteomics Workshop – Summer 2024

ARC staff scientists are actively involved in classroom teaching and can guest lecture upon request. The ARC also supports a number of CSU courses with experiential learning modules through lab courses, demonstrations and in-class discussions of acquired data.

Please request course support here.

The ARC hires every year undergraduate student interns, graduate research assistants, and postdoctoral fellows to support in various service and development projects. Our Instrumentalists Training Program is aimed at developing the new generation of instrumentalists and Core Technicians and Scientists.

These positions are posted on ARC Linkedin.

Read some Student testimonials

Learn more here.

The ARC has a longstanding practice of offering customized learning tools to students from surrounding PUI and minority-serving institutions. Please contact us if you are interested in visiting the ARC with your students and we’ll create a valuable experience for them.

The ARC participates in the national middle-school AVID program through demo days for AVID students from Lincoln middle school. The AVID program targets strong, but challenged, potential first-generation college students and supports them in preparing for college.

Learn more here.

Stay Informed!!

To stay informed and receive regular updates and announcements from the ARC, including our monthly bulletin, please join our mailing list or follow us on LinkedIn and Instagram!

The April 2024 Newsletter can be found here.

The March 2024 Newsletter can be found here.

The February 2024 Newsletter can be found here.

The January 2024 Newsletter can be found here.

The December 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The October 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The September 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The August 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The July 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The May 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The April 2023 Newsletter can be found here.

The March 2023 Newsletter can be found here.