Other Imaging Resources at CSU
In addition to the microscopes in the MIN Core Facility, there are various other imaging facilities across the CSU campus that may serve your needs. Although we list several of these facilities below, please not that the are NOT part of the Microscope Imaging Network Core Facility.
The ISS Center enables research and development programs by providing expertise and access to state-of-the-art equipment for near-field and far-field imaging, spectroscopy, and other surface characterization measurements.
The FMIAC is housed in MRB. It consists of equipment for obtaining digitized images of gels, blots, and microtiter plates for radioactivity, chemiluminescence and chemifluorescence in the Macroscopic Imaging Facility and for various light/fluorescence microscopy applications in the Microscopic Imaging facility. The Microscopes are all included within MIN and are housed in Rooms 224/220 MRB.
The macroscopic imaging equipment in room 214 MRB consists of one LI-COR Odyssey and one LI-COR Odyssey CLx dual infrared scanning systems for gels and blots (680/700 nm and 800 nm). Other macroscopic imaging equipment in room 216 MRB consists of a Typhoon FLA 9500 large format scanner for radioisotopic (from phosphoimager screens), fluorescence and chemiluminescence detection, and an ImageQuant LAS 500 digital camera system for chemiluminescence detection on Western Blots, Fluorescence detection of SYBR Green, or colorimetric detection of Coomassie Blue or Silver stain. The chamber on the ImageQuant takes microtiter plates and small gels or blots.
Fees for Macroscopic Imaging Equipment
Odyssey costs are billed at $235/month divided by hours of use, averaged over 6 months. Typical hourly costs are between $25-30. Typhoon costs are billed at $450/month divided by hours of use, averaged over two month periods. Typical hourly costs range from $30-70.