CSU Drone Policy

Colorado State University maintains policies on the use of unscrewed aircraft (drones) on CSU property. The CSU Campus is a very populated place and compliance with FAA Part 107 rules is nearly impossible without a detailed flight plan and ground crew assisting with the flight. Some of the major concerns arise from flight over people and to privacy concerns near student housing.
All unmanned aircraft operations must be related to CSU sponsored academic research or business and must receive written approval from CSU prior to conducting flight operations. No recreational or hobbyist flight is permitted on CSU property. Commercial operators with a valid CSU related flight mission must possess the following:
- A certified FAA Part 107 sUAS Pilot
- Valid FAA registration for the sUAS
- Flight liability insurance for at least $1,000,000
In order to receive authorization to conduct a flight operation, all instructions on the DRONE USE AT CSU page must be followed.
If you are not a commercial operator and wish to host a drone-related event/program at CSU please reach out to Chris Robertson.
CSU Resources
CSU Risk Management and Insurance Drone Use at CSU