The CSU Drone Center is the full-service UAV hub for the University, providing consultation on aircraft systems, project guidance, piloting, pilot training, logistical support, sensor integration and equipment rental. We collaborate with industry and educational partners both internal and external to the University, and manage the Christman Field airstrip and flight training area.

The mission of the CSU Drone Center is to remove barriers to UAV-enabled research and education at CSU, allowing these applications to grow and flourish. We do this by providing access to specialized equipment, technical expertise, and a collaborative community of researchers, both internal and external to the University.

Innovation. From the ground up.

CSU Drone Policy

Colorado State University maintains a policy on UAV/drone use on CSU property.

Flying a Drone at CSU

Flying a UAV/drone on CSU property presents a set of concerns and risks which must be mitigated before flight.

Christman Airfiels

CSU’s premier UAS testing, flight, training and research site. The airfield is overseen by the CSU Drone Center and CSU Facilities.

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