The BD FACSAria III delivers proven multicolor performance. Its fluidics and optical systems include unique design innovations precisely integrated to maximize signal detection. These innovations include the laser excitation optics, the patented flow cell with gel-coupled cuvette, and the highly efficient, patented octagon and trigon modules. Together, these systems allow the FACSAria III to achieve unrivaled sensitivity and resolution. This instrument is fairly new (purchased in 2011), is well maintained (under service contract), the violet, blue and yellow-green lasers are all new as of Fall/Spring 2018-19, it can sort at speeds up to 25,000 cells/sec and is a highly reliable cell sorting instrument.
Up to 16-color-based cell sorting from four lasers (405, 488, 561 and 633nm), 6 + 2 + 5 + 3 optical deck configuration
- 405-nm (violet) laser excitation detection parameters
- 450/40-nm BV421/Pacific Blue
- 525/50-nm BV510
- 610/20-nm BV605
- 660/20-nm BV650
- 710/50-nm BV711
- 90/60-nm BV780
- 488-nm (blue) laser excitation detection parameters
- 530/30-nm FITC
- 695/40-nm PerCP-Cy™5.5
- 561-nm (yellow/green) laser excitation detection parameters
- 585/42-nm PE
- 616/23-nm PE-Texas Red®
- 586/20-nm PE-Cy™5
- 616/23-nm PE-Texas Red®
- 780/60-nm PE-Cy™7
- 633-nm (red) laser excitation detection parameters
- 660/20-nm APC
- 720/40-nm Alexa Fluor® 700
- 780/60-nm APC-Cy7 or APC-H7
- Sample temperature control through an internal and external cooling system.
- Located inside the Molecular and Radiological Biosciences Building (MRB) Room 479D.
- Please contact the Flow Core at [email protected].
- Due to the complex nature of cell sorting, there is no unassisted use rate for this instrument.