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DSRI Affiliates

Zaid AbdoMicrobiology, Immunology and Pathology; Abdo Lab
Henry AdamsMathematics
Stephen AicheleHuman Development and Family Studies
Timothy AmidonEnglish
Brooke AndersonEnvironmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Chuck AndersonComputer Science
Mahmood Azimi-SadjadiElectrical and Computer Engineering
Wolfgang BangerthMathematics
Elizabeth BarnesAtmospheric Science
Jude BayhamAgricultural and Resource Economics
Nozipho BeckerOffice of Inclusive Excellence
Lindsay Beck-JohnsonBiology
John BelisleCo-director of the Center for Metabolism of Infectious Diseases; Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology
Asa Ben-HurComputer Science
Nate BlanchardComputer Science
Marek BorowiecAgricultural Biology
Kayla BortonResearch Professor, Wrighton Lab
Richard BowenBiomedical Sciences
Corey BroecklingDirector, Analytical Resources Core: Bioanalysis and Omics Department of Agricultural Biology
Kristen BuchananPhysics
Norm BuchananPhysics
Jesse BurkhardtAgriculture and Resource Economics
Agnieszka (Aga) BurzynskaDirector of BRAiN lab, Human Development and Family Studies/Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Neurosciences
Allison CantwellSociology
Ellison CarterCivil and Environmental Engineering
Anping ChenBiology, Ecology
Haonan Chen Electrical and Computer Engineering
Lauren ChenaridesAgriculture and Resource Economics
Galina ChirokovaCooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Anne ClearyPsychology
Timothy CoburnSystems Engineering
Jeni CrossSociology
Sunetra DasClinical Sciences
Frances DavenportCivil and Environmental Engineering
Patti DaviesOccupational Therapy
Marat DavletshinManagement
Karolien DenefARC Director & Director ARC-MMA
Bruce DraperProfessor and Chair, Computer Science
Sandra DuránTrait and Ecosystems Lab; Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
Dawn DuvalAssistant Department Head, Research; Clinical Sciences
Nicole EhrhartDirector of the Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging; College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Greg EbelArthropod-borne and Infectious Diseases Lab
Imme Ebert-UphoffElectrical and Computer Engineering; Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Tegan EmersonCSU Mathematics; Pacific Northwest National Labs, UTEP (University of Texas El Paso) Mathematical Sciences
Sean GallenGeosciences
Brian GeissMicrobiology, Immunology, and Pathology; Geiss Lab
Iasmin GoesPolitical Science
Tracey GoldsteinDirector One Health Institute; College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Molly GutillaCSU Public Health
Jay HamSoil and Crop Science
Karyn HamiltonDirector of the Translational Research on Aging and Chronic Disease Laboratory; Health and Exercise Science
Jessie HarneyPolitical Science
Orestes "Pat" HastingsSociology
Ann HessStatistics, Graybill Statistics and Data Science Laboratory Associate Director
Matthew HittPolitical Science
William JayPhysics
Anura JayasumanaElectrical & Computer Engineering
Gaofeng JiaCivil and Environmental Engineering
Andee KaplanStatistics
Brian KellyHuman Anatomy Lab: CVMBS
Patrick KeysAtmospheric Science
Adam KiehlResearch IT; CVMBS
David KingBioinformatics
Emily KingMathematics
Matthew KoslovskyStatistics
Nikhil KrishnaswamyComputer Science
Sophia LinnGeospatial Centroid
James LiuMathematics
Jason LombardClinical Sciences, AgNext
Diego ManriquezAnimal Sciences
Candace MathiasonMicrobiology, Immunology, and Pathology: Director of Infectious Disease and Rapid Response Network
Steven MillerAtmospheric Science; Director of Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Trisha MillerResearch Acceleration Office
Jessica MetcalfAnimal Sciences
Michael MooneyPhysics
David MostBiostatistics and Informatics
Caitlin MothesGeospatial Centroid
Jennifer MuellerProfessor, Graduate Director in Mathematics
Brian MunskyChemical and Biological Engineering
James NeilsonNeilson Group; Chemistry
Nandini NimMarketing
Erin NishimuraBiochemistry and Molecular Biology; Osborne Nishimura Lab
Jessica O'ConnellEcosystem Sciences and Sustainability: Landscape Modeling Lab
Sudeep PasrichaElectrical and Computer Engineering
Robert PatonChemistry, Paton Lab
Anita PenaEconomics
Chris PetersonMathematics
Ali PezeshkiElectrical and Computer
Heather PidcokeChief Medical Research Officer, OVPR, Clinical Sciences, CVMBS
Ashok PrasadPrasad Lab; Chemical & Biological Engineering
Hamed Qahri-SaremiComputer Information Systems Academic Department, College of Business
Candace RamseyInformation Technology
Sangeeta RaoClinical Sciences
Anireddy S.N. ReddyBiology
Anthony RobertsSociology
David Rojas-RuedaEnvironmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Kate RossPhysics
Matthew RossEcosystem Science and Sustainability
Evan RuzanksiData Scientist
Louis ScharfDepartment of Mathematics, Department of Statistics
Mara SedlinsData Management Specialist, Libraries
Mahmoud ShakouriConstruction Management
Julia SharpGuest Associate, Department of Statistics
Tyler ShermanVeterinary Diagnostic Laboratory; Diagnostic Medicine Center
Steve SimskeSystems Engineering
Ric SlaydenImmunology, Pathology
Melinda SmithSmith Lab; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Ryan G. SmithCivil and Environmental Engineering
Chris SnowSnow Lab; Chemical and Biological Engineering
Kim Stackhouse-LawsonDirector, Sustainable Livestock Systems Collaborative (SLSC)
B. SteeleEcosystem Science and Sustainability
Lisa StrightGeosciences
Sarah SwygertBiochemistry and Molecular Biology
Erika Szymanski English
Simon TavenerExecutive Associate Dean of College of Natural Sciences
Wade TinkhamForest and Rangeland Stewardship
Stuart TobetInterim Department Head; Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Wade TroxellMechanical Engineering
Sue VandewoudeDean, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
Peter Jan van LeeuwenAtmospheric Sciences
Lander Ver HoefCooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Tianying WangStatistics
Colleen WebbDean of Graduate School; Department of Biology
Tracy WebbClinical Sciences
Daniel WeitzelPolitical Science
Zachary WellerStatistics, Graybill Statistics and Data Science Laboratory
James WilsonMathematics
Jesse WilsonBiomedical Engineering, Colorado Clinical Translational Sciences Institute
Kelly C. WrightonSoil and Crop Science, Wrighton Lab
Kevin WorthingtonGeospatial Centroid
Reed WoydaResearch Associate, Wrighton Lab
Xiaoxu WuMarketing
Tingting Yao Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Jonathan ZhangMarketing
Wen ZhouAssociate Professor in Statistics

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