RAO Toolkit

Broader Impacts

The Broader Impacts discussion is a critical component of any proposal submitted to the U.S. National Science Foundation. It answers the following question: How does your research benefit society?

Campus partners with insights into Broader Impact partnerships:

Dr. Michelle FosterAssociate Dean for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and JusticeCollege of Health and Human Sciences[email protected]
Arlene NededogDirector of InclusionCollege of Natural Sciences[email protected]
Dr. Rosa Mikeal MarteyFaculty Coordinator of Diversity, Equity, and InclusionCollege of Liberal Arts[email protected]
Dr. Patrice M. Palmer Assistant Dean of Social & Cultural Inclusion and Director of JEDI InitiativesCollege of Business[email protected]
Dr. Naomi NishiAssistant Dean of Diversity, Equity, and InclusionCollege of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences[email protected]
Dr. Gilbert JohnAssistant Dean for ResearchCollege of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences[email protected]
Dr. Rickey FriersonDirector of Diversity and Inclusion ProgramsWarner College of Natural Resources[email protected]
Dr. Quatez ScottAssistant Dean for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity in Agriculture (IDEA)College of Agricultural Science[email protected]
Dr. Melissa BurtAssociate Dean for Diversity and InclusionWalter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering[email protected]

Communicating Science

Authentic, accurate engagement can bring people together and help create a better world.

Online Resources:

Data Management

Data management starts even before data collection when you write a data management plan (DMP). Planning for the care of your data increases the chances that your data will be usable by you and you colleagues in the long run. Additionally, most funding agencies also require DMPs for grant submission.

Hanover Research

Our solutions provide targeted guidance for your programmatic and research grants work—uncovering new opportunities, supporting institutional funding initiatives, and bolstering faculty development. As a result, you’ll craft the most competitive submissions to secure more funding for your institution.

RAO partners with Hanover Research to connect CSU researchers to grant-seeking and proposal development support.

Hanover Research online resources:


Use SciENcv (Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae) to create NSF-approved Biographical Sketches and Current and Pending Support documents. My NCBI users can create multiple SciENcv profiles in official biographical sketch formats for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Institute of Education Sciences (IES).

Online Resources:

SciENcv Biosketch Tutorial: NSF

SciENcv Biosketch Webinar: NIH

SciENcv Current & Pending (Other) Support Tutorial: NSF

SciENcv: Integrating with ORCID


SPIN (the Sponsored Programs Information Network) is a searchable funding opportunity database that provides detailed, up‐to‐date information about thousands of Federal, non‐Federal, and International programs in support of research, travel, curriculum development, collaborative projects, sabbatical support, fellowship opportunities, publication support and more.

Search for Funding Opportunities in SPIN:

  • Access SPIN at www.infoedglobal.com. This will take you to the SPIN page supported and maintained by InfoEd International.
  • Select SPIN in the top horizontal menu. NOTE: SPIN is restricted to CSU employees and students so you must be on campus or using the VPN to access.
  • Once on the SPIN site, you will need to log in. If you are a first-time user, create a new profile using a username of your choice and your CSU email.
  • After logging in, you can run a Text (basic) or Advanced Search. A Help dropdown provides additional information along with helpful training videos. The videos will walk you through how to conduct an Advanced Search, how to save a search, and how to save criteria for later use.
  • For more information, contact Dinaida Egan or Lynn Bruning.

More SPIN Support:

Team Science

Team Science is a collaborative effort to address a scientific challenge that leverages the strengths and expertise of professionals trained in different fields.

As the research landscape continues to develop into ever more interdisciplinary methods, it is vital that the CSU research enterprise grows and transforms along with it. Understanding team science means understanding the vast and complicating factors involved in bringing team members from entirely different fields together to perform challenging research. With this in mind, RAO and the OVPR team have brought a new, intense focus to CSU’s team science endeavor, providing resources to aid teams in their goals, along with managing the dynamics of interdisciplinary science.

Online Resources: