CSU Limited Submissions

The Office of the Vice President for Research’s Research Acceleration Office manages limited submission opportunities via CSU InfoReady Review.

InfoReady Review is the competition management system used by Colorado State University for internal pre-proposal submission, review, approval, and selection management of limited submission opportunities. Sign into InfoReady Review with your NetID username and password.

Add your name to the CSU Limited Submission Announcements Listserv to be notified as new opportunities post.

Limited Submission Procedure:

  1. Opportunities post weekly on the InfoReady Review homepage, and announcements are sent to the Listserv.
  2. Research Associate Deans (RADs) share opportunities.
  3. Applicants submit internal pre-proposals via InfoReady Review. To view requirements and/or submit, select an opportunity and click “Apply.” Internal deadlines are 5:00 p.m. MT.
  4. For automatic selection (when applications do not exceed the limit), approval notices are sent to applicant(s), applicable RADs, college Pre-Award, and the OSP team.
  5. If an internal competition is necessary (when applications exceed the limit), RADs evaluate/approve submissions and internal reviewers complete reviews via InfoReady Review.
  6. The OVPR determines which internal pre-proposal(s) will move forward for submission to the sponsor.
  7. Approval notices are sent to applicant(s), applicable RADs, college Pre-Award, and the OSP team.
  8. Selected applicant(s) complete the KRPD record and external submission.


  • The InfoReady Review homepage displays open opportunities. The Calendar tab also displays open and closed opportunities.
  • “STILL OPEN” opportunities have passed the Internal Deadline with slots remaining. These stay open until filled by the first applicant(s), without internal review (title only required), through the Funding Organization deadline.
  • Don’t see an opportunity? Contact RAO.
  • New opportunities post on Mondays.

Limited Submissions Contact:

Dinaida Egan
(970) 491-2448
[email protected]