Sue VandeWoude,Professor, MIP; Subaward Director
Christa Johnson,Associate VP for Research; VPR Representative
Melissa Reynolds,Research Assoc Dean, College of Natural Sciences; CNS Representative
Matt Hickey,Interim Research Assoc Dean, College of Health and Human Sciences; CHHS Representative
Zhijie Wang,Asst Prof, Dept of Mechanical Engineering; Engineering Representative
Jeni Cross,Prof of SociologyScience of Team Science
Hannah Love,Postdoctoral FellowScience of Team Science
Terry Opgenorth,CSU Ventures; iCorps
Steve Albers,CSU Ventures; iCorps
Lindsey Linke,Research Scientist,iCorps
Mark Stenglein,Asst Prof, MIP; Informatics Consult
Sangeeta Rao,Asst Prof, Clin Sci; Biostatistics Consult
Lauren Shomaker,Assoc Professor, HDFSPre-K Asst Director
Tracy Webb,Research ScientistNatural Animal Models
Joe Strecker,IT Manager; Veterinary EMR (Technical)
Colleen Duncan,Assoc Professor, Clin Sci; Veterinary EMR (Governance)