Virtual Reality Education

RDC XR Graduate Certificate

CIS Training
CSU Courses
There are several classes offered for skilling up on AR/VR around campus from different departments including the Nancy Richardson Design center, Electronic Arts, Computer Science, and Systems Engineering:
Richardson Design Center:
IDEA 510: Processes of Human-Centered Design Thinking
IDEA 520: Methods for Human-Centered Design Thinking
IDEA 525A: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Trends
IDEA 525B: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Storytelling
IDEA 525C: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Inclusive Design
IDEA 525D: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Data Visualization
IDEA 525E: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Application Prototyping
IDEA 525F: Mixed Reality for Design Thinking: Prototyping Games
Computer Science:
CS 462: Engaging in Virtual Worlds
CS 464: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
CS/IDEA 310H: Mixed Reality Design
CS 567: Introduction to 3D User Interfaces
Systems Engineering
SE 58X: Teaching and Training Using Immersive Tech
SE 58X: AR/VR Environmental Realism for Systems Engineering