Submit an Approval Request

Anyone wishing to work with any infectious agent (including BSL1 agents), human body fluids or tissues, or recombinant DNA at Colorado State University must submit proposed use to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for review and approval prior to utilizing the materials. This submission is two-staged: Agent Approval Request Form (AARF) and Project Approval Request Form (PARF). All forms are submitted for review through the IBC Online Database.

Register with IBC online database

User registration requires a CSU eID and password provided to all university students, faculty members, and staff members. The first time a new user logs in, they will be given the option to “Add My Name to RICRO Database”. 

Enter the personal information and if there is an individual with authorization to submit biosafety forms on your behalf, identify them as the delegate. After adding the appropriate profile information, you will fill out the statement of experience. This should be a brief but substantive description of any previous experience and training with specific agents and/or recombinant DNA and the environment in which they were handled (i.e. BSL 1, 2, and/or3). This is required for all database users.

Finally, the IBC requires any Principal Investigator and requests all other users to complete the online IBC training through the database. This training requires renewal every three years.


An Agent Approval Request Form (AARF) is required for each infectious agent you have (or plan to have) in your possession; this applies to plant, animal, and human infectious agents. This form requests information about the properties of the agent, as well as specific containment and disposal procedures for the agent. This information is required in order for the IBC to make informed decisions and suggestions on mitigating real or potential risks in using that agent. AARFs for BSL1 agents can be reviewed by the Biosafety Officer or IBC Chair; all other AARFs need to be reviewed by the IBC at a convened meeting.

View an example AARF (names and locations have been redacted)

PARF Submission Guidance

The Project Approval Request Form (PARF) is the form required for each submitted proposal that involves potential biosafety issues. It is indeed required for proposals that involve use of infectious agents (for which the AARF has been submitted previously or concurrently). It is also required for projects that utilize human body fluids or tissues, and for projects that involve use of recombinant DNA that is NOT exempt from review. In many cases once the agent has been approved, your PARF can be reviewed by the Biosafety Officer or IBC Chair; since the full committee meets only every other month, this provides a faster turnaround on project review for approval. However, if your project involves recombinant DNA that is NOT exempt, it must be reviewed by the full IBC at a convened meeting.

IBC Policy on When to Submit an IBC Approval Request Form (Guidance regarding PARF)

View an example PARF (names and locations have been redacted)