Overall responsibility for financial and programmatic stewardship of award
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Review Notice of Award terms and conditions
| Primary
| | | | |
Review Project Budget and create Spending and Procurement Plan
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Generate requisitions in purchasing systems
| | Primary
| | | |
Prepare revised budget
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Initiate Re-budgeting request with OSP where Sponsor Authorization is required
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Review and submit re-budgeting request to sponsor
| Assistance
| Assistance | | Primary | |
Monitor project spend rate
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Inform OSP of anticipation of 75% spend, if sponsor notification is required
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Cost Sharing: Post and Track
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Ensure fulfillment of cost share commitments
| Primary
| | | | |
Request personnel appointment in HR
| | Primary
| | | |
Monitor award expenditures for allowability, allocability and reasonableness throughout Period of Performance
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Ensure proper documentation exists and is retained to support appropriateness of expenditures
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Identify changes to approved Budget that require sponsor approval and notify OSP
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Review deviations in expenditures
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Spot audit expenditures
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Review accuracy of account codes/cost allocations/suspensions
| | Primary
| | | |
Reconcile accounts on a monthly basis
| | Primary
| | | |
Cost transfers: Initiate journal entry and provide supporting documentation for approvals
| | Primary
| | | |
Cost transfers: Review request and approval
| | | | Primary
| |
Provide Justification and any required sponsor forms for request for Carryforward when sponsor approval is required
| Assistance
| Primary
| | | |
Request Carryforward from sponsor
| | | | Primary
| |
Program Income: Identify and ensure posting to appropriate account
| | Primary
| | | |
Program Income: Setup separate account and report to sponsor
| | | | Primary
| |
Monitor and reconcile balances to ensure spending within budget and to prevent overexpenditure
| | Primary | | | |
Review and Receive subcontractor invoices
| Primary
| Assistance
| | | |
Approve payment of subcontract invoices
| | | | Primary
| |